The Asian Women’s Network


TAWN was originally set up in the 1990s to tackle the issues affecting Asian women in and around the West London area particularly Southall and Hounslow.

TAWN worked in partnership with a number of local organisations including Asian Women’s Refuge and The Asian Health Agency and was primarily involved in the setting up a of a Women’s Refuge in Hounslow, a Helpline for Women suffering Domestic Violence and experiencing mental health problems and a volunteer run Advice Helpline.

TAWN has also been involved in running a series of seminars on the theme of Women4Chnage in partnership with TAHA across numerous London boroughs to create awareness of the key issues affecting Asian women and coordinating a volunteer mentoring and support network for Asian women working in the sector

TAWN is currently working to bring together and connect professional women and women community volunteers engaged in different sectors to  collectively work on a number of activities  including:

A project to create awareness of Asian women and mental health and wellbeing  which will include producing a short video film

A Volunteer run Helpline to support Asian women experiencing DV,  mental  health or simply needing a listening ear , advice , support etc

TAWN Aims to:

  • Provide a voice and act as a platform  for Asian women
  • Empower Asian women through building their capacity and resilience to take up issues that adversely impact on their lives
  • Tackle and address inequalities affecting Asian women within mainstream institutions and services as well as within Asian and BME  communities
  • Provide opportunities for women to network, share good practice and collectively challenge inequalities
  • Promote collaborations and partnership based activities that address inequalities facing Asian women or promote women-led programmes or initiatives
  • Promote women led activities and programmes leadership, mentoring and volunteering opportunities on women’s empowerment